New Mexico and Wyoming Smoke Management Programs
The states of New Mexico and Wyoming needed to develop first-ever Smoke Management Programs as part of their State Implementation Plans and compliance with the Regional Haze Rule. Both states have significant prescribed fire, agricultural burning and other sources of smoke that had been unregulated to that time. Both states anticipated the possibility of resistance to the development of their Smoke Management Programs.
RRC was hired first by New Mexico to design, manage and facilitate the collaborative process with the many stakeholders with vested interests in their Smoke Management Program. RRC's success in New Mexico led to a similar assignment in Wyoming. In both cases, RRC provided neutral agency and the ability to convene processes that were inclusive, productive and in the end, highly effective. Both states developed Smoke Management Programs with the support of stakeholders and passed new regulations to enforce them, thus ensuring the improvement of air quality for future generations. RRC worked hand-in-hand with staff in the drafting of the Program Guidance and developing the processes, procedures and forms to make the Programs efficient.
Subsequently, RRC was contracted by the US Forest Service Region 2 to facilitate a joint review of Colorado's Smoke Management Program between the state's Air Pollution Control Division and Federal Land Managers. This effort resulted in proposed revisions to clarify and better accommodate the use of controlled burning (prescribed fire) for landscape restoration objectives.
Colorado's Smoke Management Program
New Mexico’s Smoke Management Program, or download the document directly here.
Wyoming’s Smoke Management Program, or download the document directly here.
The states of New Mexico and Wyoming needed to develop first-ever Smoke Management Programs as part of their State Implementation Plans and compliance with the Regional Haze Rule. Both states have significant prescribed fire, agricultural burning and other sources of smoke that had been unregulated to that time. Both states anticipated the possibility of resistance to the development of their Smoke Management Programs.
RRC was hired first by New Mexico to design, manage and facilitate the collaborative process with the many stakeholders with vested interests in their Smoke Management Program. RRC's success in New Mexico led to a similar assignment in Wyoming. In both cases, RRC provided neutral agency and the ability to convene processes that were inclusive, productive and in the end, highly effective. Both states developed Smoke Management Programs with the support of stakeholders and passed new regulations to enforce them, thus ensuring the improvement of air quality for future generations. RRC worked hand-in-hand with staff in the drafting of the Program Guidance and developing the processes, procedures and forms to make the Programs efficient.
Subsequently, RRC was contracted by the US Forest Service Region 2 to facilitate a joint review of Colorado's Smoke Management Program between the state's Air Pollution Control Division and Federal Land Managers. This effort resulted in proposed revisions to clarify and better accommodate the use of controlled burning (prescribed fire) for landscape restoration objectives.
Colorado's Smoke Management Program
New Mexico’s Smoke Management Program, or download the document directly here.
Wyoming’s Smoke Management Program, or download the document directly here.
Western Regional Air Partnership – Fire Emissions Joint Forum
WRAP is a collaborative effort of tribal and state government and federal agencies to develop the technical and policy tools needed by western states and tribes to comply with the U.S. EPA's regional haze regulations. The Fire Emissions Joint Forum (FEJF) is both a policy and a technical body that addresses issues specific to fire and smoke effects. For several major issues, the FEJF convened sub-committees to develop guidance documents to be used by States in their implementation plans.
RRC was hired to manage and facilitate three of these sub-groups over a two-year period. Each group’s membership included not only government representatives, but also environmental groups, public health groups, industry, academia and others. In addition, RRC was responsible for public outreach, and designed and facilitated two major workshops at which broader stakeholder input was gathered. RRC also drafted all of the Meeting Records and final documents, as well as compendia of proceedings and progress on document development.
As a result of RRC management, the sub-groups were able to come to a much greater level of agreement than anticipated, and the guidance document became policy documents. RRC oversaw the development of the first-ever WRAP-approved Policy Documents: the Fire Emissions Categorization Policy, the Enhanced Smoke Management Program Policy, and the Annual Emission Goal Policy. These documents are used by states in developing their implementation plans and in managing smoke impacts affecting public health and visibility.
The following documents are available on the WRAP website, or you can download them below:
• Enhanced Smoke Management Policy
• Compendium of Supporting Material Policy Development Process
• Fire Categorization Policy
• Compendium of Supporting Material for Policy Development Process
WRAP is a collaborative effort of tribal and state government and federal agencies to develop the technical and policy tools needed by western states and tribes to comply with the U.S. EPA's regional haze regulations. The Fire Emissions Joint Forum (FEJF) is both a policy and a technical body that addresses issues specific to fire and smoke effects. For several major issues, the FEJF convened sub-committees to develop guidance documents to be used by States in their implementation plans.
RRC was hired to manage and facilitate three of these sub-groups over a two-year period. Each group’s membership included not only government representatives, but also environmental groups, public health groups, industry, academia and others. In addition, RRC was responsible for public outreach, and designed and facilitated two major workshops at which broader stakeholder input was gathered. RRC also drafted all of the Meeting Records and final documents, as well as compendia of proceedings and progress on document development.
As a result of RRC management, the sub-groups were able to come to a much greater level of agreement than anticipated, and the guidance document became policy documents. RRC oversaw the development of the first-ever WRAP-approved Policy Documents: the Fire Emissions Categorization Policy, the Enhanced Smoke Management Program Policy, and the Annual Emission Goal Policy. These documents are used by states in developing their implementation plans and in managing smoke impacts affecting public health and visibility.
The following documents are available on the WRAP website, or you can download them below:
• Enhanced Smoke Management Policy
• Compendium of Supporting Material Policy Development Process
• Fire Categorization Policy
• Compendium of Supporting Material for Policy Development Process