The pace of change in our world continues to increase exponentially, and we face change at all scales and across content. The ability to recognize and stay abreast of the change curve is a highly evolved skill, not only for leaders but for the entire organization. And this skill is often the difference between average performance and brilliance.
Symptoms of a lack of change resilience:
• Change initiatives are greeted with resistance rather than enthusiasm, and feel arbitrary and exhausting.
• High attrition and low morale result from change initiatives.
• Change is often discouraged or undermined from the top.
• Change doesn't lead to lasting and innovative solutions.
Symptoms of a lack of change resilience:
• Change initiatives are greeted with resistance rather than enthusiasm, and feel arbitrary and exhausting.
• High attrition and low morale result from change initiatives.
• Change is often discouraged or undermined from the top.
• Change doesn't lead to lasting and innovative solutions.
You and your organization can get better at change
Thresholds of Change ServicesTM support you in moving through major change with greater ease, broad buy-in, and landmark results.
Services can be provided stand-alone or bundled to best serve your objectives.
Thresholds of Change ServicesTM support you in moving through major change with greater ease, broad buy-in, and landmark results.
Services can be provided stand-alone or bundled to best serve your objectives.

Thresholds of Change Education ServicesTM
Thresholds of Change Business ConsultationTM – address organizations' real-time situations, bringing about greater buy-in and lasting, innovative change
- Coaching - one-on-one support to advance individual ability to lead change
- Training – teach your team how change works to gain increased cohesion and capability in facing change
- Professional Development - advanced concepts and techniques for change practitioners
- Speaking – inspire groups with a wholly new way to think about and approach change
Thresholds of Change Business ConsultationTM – address organizations' real-time situations, bringing about greater buy-in and lasting, innovative change
The Federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Executive Core Qualifications
Thresholds of Change Education Services specifically advance ECQ 1 (Leading Change) and ECQ 2 (Leading People). |
Most of what people frame as “problems” are really situations needing change: in thinking, inner capability, identity, behavior, and worldview. With the “problem” approach, experts are brought in to provide fixes, but these often are met with resistance or don't work, or both. What's needed is the ability to help people grow through change. When we approach situations from this mindset, the whole experience is transformed - and by it, so are we.
Rebecca Borland Reynolds

Expert change agent, Rebecca Reynolds, reveals her unique approach to bringing about change toward lasting and innovative outcomes. The Thresholds model, explained in her book Thresholds of Change: The Way Through Transformational Times, is a real game-changer for how to think about and approach big change. As Rebecca witnessed in countless projects, the mechanics of change operate no matter what the change is about, where it happens, or how we react to it. The Thresholds model offers a clear picture of how change comes about. This underlying process can be learned, and with it, our innate ability increases, change becomes easier, and we gain more from it.
Rebecca's understanding of the change process, which takes place in four distinct stages marked by clear thresholds, has been central to her work. She developed the Thresholds of Change model to put form to the change process so that others could advance their ability with change. When the change process is understood, all change is easier to navigate and results in much greater benefits. These changing times demand that we all get better at facing and working with change.
Rebecca's understanding of the change process, which takes place in four distinct stages marked by clear thresholds, has been central to her work. She developed the Thresholds of Change model to put form to the change process so that others could advance their ability with change. When the change process is understood, all change is easier to navigate and results in much greater benefits. These changing times demand that we all get better at facing and working with change.
Thresholds of Change is a trademark of Rebecca Borland Reynolds.